Hush Sun



SKU: Watering Can-06 Category:

– This medium-sized metal watering can is perfect for indoor watering your houseplants. With a maximum capacity of 51 floz, you’ll make fewer trips to refill. Our new modern oval-shaped watering can is decorative, attractive, and a nice addition to your home decor.
– The long spout helps reach those hard-to-reach plants or flowers in vases. An excellent flower watering can for small openings on the necks of vases and patio plants.
– This metal watering can for indoor plants is made from lightweight, durable stainless steel. The watering can’s long spout travels through the interior of the watering can, which forms the strong, robust handle.
– The large, curved handle has been designed with looks and comfort in mind. The handle allows you to position your hand comfortably, reducing awkward and uncomfortable wrist positions and making watering your houseplants comfortable, easy, and enjoyable.
– Product Dimensions: 13.46 x 40.01 x 20.71 cm; 0.71 kg.


Pastel Blue, Pastel Sage


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